Posted May 3rd, 2016 in Shared Response5 Stories

From paralysis to walking in just 3 weeks!

My next opportunity to use these 5 crazy, magical steps came from a phone call from my local animal shelter. 

They asked if I could come out and visit a paralyzed pug.

He was brought in as a stray with no history of who he belonged to or how he came to be paralyzed.

Full of love and silliness, it was clear he had no intention of giving up on himself just because he couldn't walk.

Well. I thought. Let's see what we can do you for ya'.

I sat on the floor as he joyfully pulled himself up onto my lap and together we began Response5.

He was so excepting that I thought I'd give him a 10 minute break and do Response5 one more time before I left.

I returned a few days later to the excited voice of one of the volunteers, "Come see him, he's out in the courtyard trying desperately to get his right leg up under himself!"

...and so he was!

This little pug is one of the most inspiring dogs I have ever met. With his spark for life and my sheer passion to make a difference we became instant friends!

It's been several years since our friendship began. Booboo holds a very dear place in our family. The video shows Booboo one year after Response5 began....He was up and walking 3 weeks from starting with Response5!