
"As we grow in the field of ABT we become more intuitive.
Our intuition leads us to “play” outside of the box.
And we become aware that learning is a never-ending process.
You are only limited by your curiosity and desire to affect change within the animal!
Revisit ALL the Moves often, and discover new ways to help your Clientele."

~ Debi

Specialized Procedures continues to observe the animal to evaluate the need for the following four procedures:

  1. Kidney Procedure
  2. Respiratory Procedure
  3. Lymphatic Drainage Procedure
  4. TMJ - Temporomanibular Joint Procedure

Each Procedure includes a detailed PDF print out to add to your binder and an instructional video.

The following procedures are used on the second and proceeding sessions.

Only in an emergency situation would you use any procedures on the first treatment.

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